Welcome to the nillsoft website
Nillsoft is a Swedish based software development company which aim to provide organizations with robust, flexible and secure software for optimizing and integrating their business processes.
A cost effective organization...
At nillsoft we build your software on top of market leading Open Source platforms for maximizing the return of your investment. As a customer your money is exclusively spent on developing business logic and eventual hardware with no other additional costs for 3rd party software licenses.
...with an agile attitude
We admit that software development is a hard business. We know that requirements sometimes change and that customers often see new possibilities along the way of a project. By designing software with change in mind and frequently synchronizing the partial results with the customer's expectations the negative impact of such changes is minimized.
Architecture - the key for long lasting results.
By applying well proven development concepts and using rock solid platforms to build from we assure that the behavior of your software meets the needs of your organization.
Nillsoft delivers system design and implementation of 1.5M+ sessions / month, mobile-first, SEO friendly and Ajax based online magazine posh24.se/posh24.com
Nillsoft delivers the global Post-Purchase Sharing platform showmybuy.com.
Nillsoft launches swedish home swapping site semesterbyte.com.
Nillsoft launches swedish home delivery site budahem.se.
Nillsoft delivers automized marketing system for generation of online- and offline marketing material to Sparbanken 1826.
Nillsoft delivers customer claim management and analysis system for world leading plasterboard manufacturer, KnaufDanogips GmBH. 
Nillsoft delivers new website to Kristianstads Sparbank.  Visit 
Nillsoft delivers data mining market development tool to identity potential broad band customers for Tele2 in Germany
Nillsoft delivers ground breaking sales management system for the car retail industry. 
Nillsoft delivers statistics collection and internal performance visualization software for Sweden's oldest savings bank, Kristianstads Sparbank
Nillsoft delivers data collection and reporting system for customer broadband usage and fraud detection for Tele2, Germany.
Nillsoft delivers marketing solution for online media to Sweden's oldest savings bank, Kristianstads Sparbank.
Launch of Spiritus Mundi website.
Nillsoft releases its public version of, Tegetts, a specialized software for German telecom operators. 
Nillsoft algorithm for fixed telephony network at Tele2, Germany, saves millions of euros per year in operative network costs.
Nillsoft delivers process for electronic invoices aggregation and analisys to Tele2, Germany.
In an article Nillsoft professionals give their view of the software market in the southern Sweden coverage newspaper Kristianstadbladet.
Nillsoft moves into its new office.
Tele2, Germany, signs network optimization software contract with Nillsoft.
UK based routing solutions company for digital pen and paper technology, Covelus, signs software development outsourcing contract with Nillsoft. 
Tele2, Germany, signs contract for interpretation software for transferring over 40000 scanned paper invoices to the analysis world of Microsoft Excel.
Nillsoft and studioData join forces to deliver web services and E-Commerce portal for partner systems and online customers for BabyBjörn.
Tele2, Germany, signs contract for extended business optimization and online business process integration of trouble tickets with Deutsche Telekom.
Nillsoft lectures professional Java to the Anoto support team. 
Leading SAP technical consultancy company, e-motion technology, signs preferred java development partner agreement with nillsoft.
Tele2, Germany Division, signs Service Level Agreement with Nillsoft for extended automatization of internal business processes and partner system integration.
Nillsoft founder, Niclas Lindberg, gets published in one of Sweden's biggest information technology magazines, Dator Magazin
Swedish telecom company Tele2, Germany Division, signs development contract for b2b integration and administration optimization software.
Nillsoft is founded.
Nillsoft's founder, Niclas Lindberg, completes a 14 month J2EE System Architect contract for the national Foreign Exchange Trade department at Citibank in São Paulo, Brazil.
  info[at]nillsoft.com   +46 (0)44 28 94 60   www.nillsoft.com
copyright 2003-2025 nillsoft AB
Ibland kallas vi nilsoft. We are situated in Åhus, kristianstad, Sweden. niclas lindberg, sweden, artificial intelligence, design patterns, software, software design, software architecture, training, open source, jboss, mysql, mjukvara, mjukvaruutveckling, affärssystem, kristianstad, Åhus, processer, process, java, java enterprise, J2EE, utbildning,designmönster, programvara, programmering, utveckling, systemutveckling systemering integration systemintegration processförbättring optimering bussiness optimazation